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Save The Earth With DELIVER US THE MOON On Console

Deliver Us The Moon originally launched on PC via Steam. GameTyrant reviewed the title when it launched six months ago.

And now, the space adventure is finally available on Xbox One and PlayStation 4!

Set in a near-future alternate reality, humanity is in crisis. The natural resources that we’ve exploited for millennia are finally depleted, and an apocalypse is on the horizon. The World Space Agency is the last hope for a future; an international organization tasked with solving the energy crisis. Disaster is temporarily avoided as the agency designs and executes a plan to exploit the resources on the moon.

But when communications with the moon cease and access to the resources is lost, humanity will have to embark on a mission to re-establish contact with the moon and save the human race.

For an in-depth look at Deliver Us The Moon, check out the GameTyrant review with the link above.

You can order the game for PlayStation and Xbox.

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