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SCARLET NEXUS Revealed Its Dual Pathway Storyline At TGS2020

During the Tokyo Game Show 2020, Bandai Namco brought with them a brand new trailer for their upcoming brain punk game Scarlet Nexus. This latest look into the game shows us some details about the story and reveals a new playable character named Kasane Randall. When players start their playthrough of the game, they can choose either Kasane or Yuito and see the story unfold from their perspective with the full storyline revealed by playing through both character’s storylines.

Kasane is an orphan who lost her parents in a raid from the Others when she was a child and adopted by the powerful Randall family when she was 12 years old. She is now an elite super soldier with superb fighting skills. Whether you play as Kasane or Yuito, both characters are supported by various party members through their journeys including Gemma Garrison, Luka Travers, and Tsugumi Nazar.

I’ve been excited for this game since I saw the brain punk style in action from the original animated trailer they showed off and was happy to get to know more about the game itself from the Producer’s Q&A, but now they revealed that this game has a high potential for replayability! If you are a fan of the anime-action type games and enjoyed titles like God Eater and Code Vein, I don’t see how this isn’t a top priority title for you when it comes to next-gen gaming. Scarlet Nexus is set to launch on PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series X, and PC via Steam, but it clearly will be best experienced on the next-gen platforms.

What do you think of the dual pathway storyline reveal for Scarlet Nexus?