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Sci-fi Survival Multiplayer Game BEYOND CONTACT Reveals Roadmap And New Platforms

After recently releasing onto Steam’s Early Access, Beyond Contact has received a rather mixed response from players. As Playcorp Studios and Deep Silver look to improve their rating and their game’s overall entertainment value, they are happy to reveal their plans for the game while it is in early access. Granted, this roadmap doesn’t have actual set dates for when each update will be completed, but at least we can see what they plan to do to improve the game moving forward.

If you haven’t heard of Beyond Contact yet, it is a survival game inspired by the art and style of pulp science-fiction comics, the moral dilemmas of contemporary science-fiction films, and the unforgiving gameplay of survival genre classics. The game features exploration and discovery, a robust system of research and crafting, intuitive base-building, farming, creature feeding, and much more. The game will have narrative-driven objectives to save the planet’s inhabitants, and enough fauna, flora, and extreme weather conditions to challenge even the toughest survival players a thousand times over.

Along with this roadmap reveal, they have also announced that they are bringing the game to PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. This range of platforms is sure to improve the number of players on their game, especially since it will offer cross-play multiplayer for all platforms. They haven’t said when they are going to bring the game to these new platforms yet, but hopefully, it is after it receives a few improvement updates.