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SCRAP RIDERS Out On Nintendo Switch eShop And Steam

A brand new pixel art, point-and-click, beat em’ up indie game called Scrap Riders just released for Steam and Nintendo eshop. Created by the new Spanish indie studio Games For Tutti and published by Microids, Scrap Riders has a style and gameplay all its own. Combining the unique mix of point-and-click gameplay with beat em’ up, both styles are enhanced by the unique stylized pixel art.

Scrap Riders is set in a cyberpunk-style future, where you will play as Rast, a member of the outlaw bikers gang Scrap Riders, and make your way through the wastelands as well as a big metropolis controlled by corporations. Act as a smuggler with caustic humor to survive in this post-apocalyptic world.

Players will fight their way through a 2D beat em’ up adventure with their fists and guns. Beware however, the post-apocalypse wastelands aren’t for the faint of heart, there violence is ALWAYS the answer; but is it enough? Without wits you won't last long. Talk to the right people, gather clues, and kick bad guys’ butts in Scrap Riders!

Scrap Riders is available now on PC via Steam, and the Nintendo eshop.