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See A Demon's Enemy In The Latest Trailer For SUCCUBUS

Madmind Studio has released a new, short trailer that focuses on one of the things many would wonder about a demon traverse through hell: what kind of enemies does it have? Well, the latest trailer for Succubus shows off one of the many enemies called an Onoskelis. These guys may not seem like much of a threat in a one-on-one situation, but let them gather together and their numbers might be enough to overtake even the strongest demon.

If you played through Agony, then these guys should look familiar to you. This demon was a threat to players in that game and now it comes back with a fresh look and new combat abilities. The Onoskelis are capable of dealing a significant amount of damage using close-range attacks, but also poses a great threat over a long distance, throwing fireballs at the player that set Vydija and everything around her on fire.

In other news, they have been listening to fans of the game and have also announced a Censorship mode. This optional mode will make it so live-streamers will have nothing to worry about as they play through the game to their viewers as it meets all the criteria needed. This mode can be turned on and off at any point in the game.