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See Why GHOSTWIRE: TOKYO Should Be The Next Game On Your Radar

A game that we haven’t heard enough about during its development is Ghostwire: Tokyo. Thanks to their rather silent approach with this game. Tango Gameworks and Bethesda Softworks were able to sneak in an amazing announcement. Giving it its own official showcase, players now know everything they need to about the game to know just why it should be on their radar if it’s not already.

Prepare to face the unknown and have your reality stripped away. In an instant, nearly all of Tokyo’s population vanishes and paranormal Visitors from another world take their place in the streets. As Akito, one of the city’s last living humans, you must join forces with a spirit named KK to put an end to the supernatural threat encroaching on Tokyo.

Above is a unique gameplay deep dive that shows off a few strings of gameplay that are taken directly in the game. The gameplay comes straight from the developers as well, so it is a great chance to see some of the enemies, environments, and combat styles we can expect in March!

In the PlayStation showcase, we get to know more about the game through some interviews and voice-over discussions. From clips of interactions with different creatures to a few single-cut instances through segments in the game. If you’re hyped at all for this game, the gameplay alone will ramp up your excitement to its highest point!

Along with all of these details and gameplay, we have also been given a release date. Ghostwire: Tokyo is set to release on PC via Steam and Epic Games, as well as a console exclusive for PlayStation 5, on March 25th! You can even pre-order to game on their website today. While both platforms will provide the pre-order bonus items, including the Streetwear Outfit pack, Shinobi Outfit and Kunai Weapon, along with the game, those who get the PlayStation 5 pre-order pack will also be given 3-days early access to the game!

From what I’ve seen from this game and what they have shown off from the showcase, Bethesda and Tango have a title with a lot of potential behind it. I’m more excited than ever for this game! It’s crazy to see them reveal so much about the game suddenly and to include a release date that is only a month and a half away. What did you think of the showcase? Are you going to be checking out Ghostwire: Tokyo when it releases in March?