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SKALD: AGAINST THE BLACK PRIORY Brings Grim Fantasy Back Into The Light

Recently Announced, Raw Fury and developer Anders Lauridsen have partnered up to officially release SKALD: Against the Black Priory in late 2022. This new partnership will allow SKALD: Against the Black Priory’s development to continue full steam ahead and raise the project to the next level.

Hitting the RPG roots, this game delves deep into a dark and dangerous fantasy world that boasts beautifully hand-crafted pixel art environments and characters. Brimming with nostalgic charm and RPG goodness, it’s sure to itch that old-school RPG itch we all get from time to time.

Enhancing its heavy narrative experience is turn-based combat and multiple-choice dialogue options. Narrative-heavy role-playing games have always been the staple of Anders Lauridsen’s work and SKALD: Against the Black Priory seems to both live up to this tradition while expanding on it in many ways.

We can't wait to hear more about this grim adventure! The playable demo for SKALD: Against the Black Priory is available for free on Steam, but before you go, check out the trailer below.

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