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Sky Island Eco-Survival Game ALOFT Announcement Trailer, Demo On Steam

Ah, another survival game. This time though, It seems like a unique take. Astrolabe Interactive has revealed the trailer for their upcoming game Aloft, an atmospheric survival indie game where the player must survive on sky islands! Harness the power of winds to move the island, create wingsuit-type contraptions to visit other islands, explore and fight, as well as design your own place to live. Upon release, it will also be playable in online co-op.

While the announcement trailer just dropped, the game itself has been visible on Steam for a while. In celebration of Steam’s Base Builder and Games From Quebec Festival, they have launched a new update for their demo. Winning many distinctions as a top-class upcoming indie game, Aloft has garnered 32,000 demo users and almost 50,000 organic Steam wishlists since June 2022. Truly impressive on a platform that can see AAA titles only receiving a few thousand!

Check out the announcement trailer and keep an eye on the skies! Aloft can be wishlisted on Steam and the demo is playable now, with an expected launch in early 2024. Take a look and let us know your thoughts in the comments!