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Solo Developed Indie Game THE USE OF LIFE Hits Early Access

From a complex battle system to a branching narrative, The Use of Life has it all and much much more. PLAYISM has just announced that the Japanese indie solo developer Daraneko Games has officially released The Use of Life on Steam in Early Access. 

While being a solo-developed indie game, The Use of Life boasts many features we have come to expect from indie teams with upwards of 15 developers. From an eye-catching art style to in-depth mechanics, this new indie adventure is something we really can’t wait to dig into.

The name of the game here is decision-making. Every decision you make will directly affect the situations you will find yourself in, come future events and chapters. Based on the design philosophies of a choose your own adventure book, decisions will affect everything from scenarios to stats to even combat situations. 

This Steam Early Access release will only cover Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the game, with further installments coming in the future. Developer Daraneko Games will be monitoring player feedback as development continues and plans to update the game with fixes if the need arises during this development period. The first major update is currently planned to include main scenario updates including new chapters for each story branch, the implementation of advanced classes, and the implementation of a battle-to-the-death game mode.

With all this exciting news, we can’t wait to dive in and see what Daraneko Games has been cooking up!! Be sure to have a look at the trailer above and check out the game on Steam Early Access.