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Solve Puzzles Using A Dual Gameplay Experience In TANDEM: A TALE OF SHADOWS

Offering a unique dual gameplay experience to provide a new take on puzzle platforming is Monochrome with their upcoming game Tandem: A Tale of Shadows. Working with publisher Hatinh Interactive, they plan to publish their dreamlike game on PC via Steam, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One later this year. Soon players will be swapping between Emma and Fenton in a fast-paced investigation across dimensions.

Thomas, the only son of the Kanes, a famous magician couple from the late 19th century in London, has disappeared. Emma, a stubborn young fan of their shows, is convinced that she must find him and decides to investigate. On her way to the Kanes’ manor, she mysteriously meets Fenton, Thomas' teddy bear, endowed with magical powers. Together, they set out to find Thomas and will have to team up to face any obstacles they encounter.

It’s interesting how they are going to keep the camera angle stationary by having Emma’s view as a top-down while Fenton’s view is a side-scroller. Definitely seems to fit well with the gameplay style they are going with, but we will have to see how it pans out when used for a full game experience. Either way, this is quite an intriguing title that I look forward to getting into once it’s released.