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Squanch Games Shared Some Strangely Interesting Updates For HIGH ON LIFE

It hasn’t even been a month since Squanch Games announced their upcoming title High On Life, which is said to bring the originality and humor of Rick and Morty and Polar Opposites. Seeing how they have Justin Roiland, the co-creator of both TV shows, this is very likely to be true. But it seems the original announcement wasn’t enough for these developers as they have shared some strangely interesting stuff for their interested fans.

At the top of this article, you’ll find a video simply titled ‘Guy In A Hole’ which seems to be a quirky sales pitch for a sounds album of… well, a guy in a hole. Then at the bottom, we have another video they shared titled ‘The Brand New This’ which is just as strange as the above video. This time it’s like a mock infomercial. Both of these videos are strange but labeled as though they connect to High On Life in some way, so I guess we will have to see how they end up correlating.

Getting back to actual news on the game, they also posted a blog on their website which is a Q&A session with Alec Robbins, Squanch Games’ Narrative Designer! There is actually quite a bit of detail about the game revealed through this self-interview and will be able to tell readers a lot about the game. During this Q&A we got some great quotes in the answers, such as:

“If the game isn't funny, you have my full permission to yell at me online,” which is arguably not something you’d want to be said online, but there you go. “The guns can talk and they're your friends. Every weapon you use in the game is alive and it can yell at you if it wants to. Not only are they your main tool during combat, but the talking guns are also necessary for navigating the story…” which is a fascinating detail to know. It seems the talking guns aspect isn’t just a comedy ploy. But the most clarifying quote to take away is in response to what a player would be doing throughout the game, which he said, “You'll play as an aimless human teenager who suddenly finds themselves teaming up with a talking alien gun to take down an evil alien drug cartel. A classic Bildungsroman.”

Be sure to check out that Q&A blog on their website to learn more about the game. High On Life will be released later this year for Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC via Steam.