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STAR WARS: SQUADRONS' Single Player Preview Show Just How Immersive It Will Be.

During Gamescom 2020 EA debuted their single-player preview for Star Wars: Squadrons and it is enough to have me salivating. We get to see more gameplay, characters, and learn more information about the cogs that keep the gameplay flowing. The teaser makes the recent Battlefront games’ space fights look like alpha footage compared to what’s in store for us.

One thing that is truly amazing about the game is its full support of VR from start to finish and beyond. All of the game’s missions can be played in VR and it just looks like an astounding accomplishment. I’m not someone that’s into VR so much but this game alone, if done right, could sway me to get a setup for it. Besides the VR aspect, we get to see more of the cockpits and the amazingly done locations that we’ll get to fight in.

As far as games that allow you to fly ships in the Star Wars universe, this is on track to be the best one to date. Star Wars: Battlefront and Battlefront 2 in the last few years have done tremendous things with their flight modes but this looks to have built upon that so much more. Star Wars: Squadrons is set to release on October 2nd for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.