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Awesome Steampunk Adventure, STEAMWORLD HEIST, Coming Soon

Steamworld Heist, one of the most highly anticipated downloadable games for the Nintendo 3DS is, "nearing completion" according to developer Image and Form.

It is a successor to the other game Steamworld Dig, although the gameplay looks to be a bit different. While Steamworld Dig had the feel of a platformer, this seems to be more strategy and shooting. Either way there is a lot of hype for the game, and now images have just released of how it looks on the 3DS. I gotta say, I'm quite interested in trying it out.

The images show what is said to be a space bar, as in a bar in space, not to be confused with the button on your keyboard.  We also see some of the characters backed in a corner, by space thugs. The developers are just finishing the final touches and polishes, and have promised to have the game ready by the end of the year.

The game will be available for Steam, Xbox One, PS4, PSVita, Wii U, and of course the 3DS.  You can check out Image and Form's website too for the full news.  Also check out the bottom of the page for some gameplay footage.

We'll be sure to have a review for the game here once it comes out sometime before the end of the year.