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SUCCUBUS Reveal The Titan Of Their Demon Enemies, The Chort

Diving back into the highly adulterated realm of hell, Madmind Studio continues to show that they don’t intend to hold back on their next upcoming title Succubus. As they keep revealing new gameplay and enemies, we keep getting glimpses of just how vulgar and brutal they are making this next venture through hell. This new trailer still doesn’t give us a release date, but you can add it to your wishlist on Steam anytime and follow the main character, Vydija, on Twitter.

This time they are showing off the titan of demons called The Chort. With unsurpassed melee power and fearlessness in his actions, this brute will be one of the most demanding encounters in the game. Once he enters the arena with the player, they will need to use a more tactical approach and utilize their special powers. His devastating melee damage makes him hard to fight with close-range attacks, but players will need to keep moving to as he can also quickly close a gap with his charge and long jumps.

Giving players the ability to control a Succubus and fight their way through hell is definitely going to differ in the experience we got from their first title, Agony. After everything I have seen so far, I can’t stress enough that if you don’t like sexual, torture, and gory scenes then you will not like this game. After getting hit hard from the initial launch of Agony and tons of praise from Agony Unrated, they are showing they are only interested in their fan’s opinions.

With that warning being said, once more, check out The Chort’s reveal trailer: