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Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) Announces Schedule

Games Done Quick has announced the SGDQ 2020 Online schedule.

The event is going to feature a pretty cool lineup of games and the speedruns are going to be devilishly fast if previous years have been any indication. All of it’s happening next month on the official Games Done Quick Twitch channel.  

SGDQ 2020 Online will take place from August 16th to the 22nd. This year the event will support Doctors Without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières). It’s a fantastic organization and all of the donations can be made directly to the charity during the event via the viewing page at

All proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders, so it’s a great reason to tune in to the show. These kinds of events are when the gaming community is at its best.

I’m excited about Streets of Rage 4, Rayman Legends, Super Mario Odyssey, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but there are a ton of other great games there to enjoy for every kind of gamer imaginable.

Check out the schedule and find the games you want to watch!