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TEKKEN 7's Season Pass 3 Announcement Includes Overall Game Updates For All Players

Ever since the launch of Tekken 7 back in 2015, Bandai Namco has continued to improve the game further and it seems they have no intentions of slowing down. While they are offering a third season pass, the announcement comes with news that will affect all players and not just those that will be purchasing the pass. However, this pass does seem to hold some awesome new goodies and is certainly something to consider.

Among the updates that will affect everybody still fighting strong, the one that I think anybody could get excited for is the new moves and a major balance overhaul have been introduced for all characters. Along with these new moves, they have added the all new Play Stats system, which logs and displays your most impressive stats. Lastly, they have expanded character select functions and made some adjustments to online rankings, hopefully giving a more personalized experience for all players.

As for the Season Pass 3, this comes with a promise to keep players punching and kicking for some time. You will also get six new fighters, of which only two have been revealed and shown off in the announcement trailer: Zafina and Leroy. Otherwise, the exclusives include the plushie set, effects set, player customization set, hairstyle set, Iron Fist Aura set, and glasses set.

These free updates and the Season Pass 3 will drop on September 10th for all platforms that Tekken 7 is currently available on. Check out the trailer and see all of these new changes in action to prepare to improve your fighting styles: