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THE ARTFUL ESCAPE Rocks Onto Nintendo Switch And PlayStation Consoles This Month

The Artful Escape, the rock music adventure from Annapurna Interactive and Beethoven & Dinosaur, is making its debut on PlayStation consoles and Nintendo Switch on January 25th, 2022. The game initially launched last September for both Xbox consoles and Steam.  

The Artful Escape tells the story of a young man named Francis Vendetti who is trying to find his musical persona in a journey of self-actualization that takes him across different dimensions. The game features psychedelic visuals, a rocking soundtrack inspired by some of the music industry’s greatest legends, and the vocal talents of such famous actors as Lena Headey, Carl Weathers, Mark Strong, and Jason Schwartzman.

The Artful Escape is the debut title from Beethoven & Dinosaur, a studio founded by Johnny Galvatron, the lead singer of the Australian rock band The Galvatrons. After the band went hiatus, Johnny threw himself into other creative projects before eventually landing on video game development in 2016. The Artful Escape got its reveal trailer one year later at E3 2017.

The game was released last year to great acclaim and was nominated for three awards at the 2021 Game Awards, including Best Art Direction and Best Score. It also scooped up three Golden Joystick Award nominations for Best Visual Design, Best Audio, and Xbox Game of the Year.

The Artful Escape launches for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5 on January 25th, 2022, and will retail for $19.99 USD.