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The Classic Star Wars Racing Game Is Now Available

If you’re looking for more nostalgia, then Star Wars: Racer is now available for the PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch.

I can’t tell you how many hours I spent playing this game on the computer back in the day. My brother and I spent so much time trading off on races and trying to get the best times. It was a blast and the idea that we can return to this pod-racing classic is wonderful.

Star Wars is one of my favorite intellectual properties and this was a great game back in the day.

Hopefully, the digital restoration and updated look of the game will do honor to what was a wonderful experience upon its original release.

What do you think, though? Are you interested in trying out the game again or have you never played it before?

Let us know in the comments and give a shoutout to your favorite Star Wars game.

Editor’s note: The game has turned out far better than early preview screens made it out to be! Here is a comparison shot of the Switch (top left), N64 (top right), Dreamcast (bottom left), and PC (bottom right) versions. The sun is missing from various levels so, hopefully, we’ll see a patch to rectify that down the road.