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THE COMPANY MAN Allows You To Live Out Your Office Battle Fantasy

Planned to drop in early 2022, The Company Man is a new action platformer coming from publisher Leoful and developer Forust that’s inspired by The Office.

You play as a young salaryman named Jim who’s tired of his dead-end job at the Good Water Company. Watching his dreams being crushed and his company being run into the ground, Jim takes control of his own destiny and literally fights his way to the top of the company.

As a self-declared mega-fan of The Office, I’m really intrigued to see what Forust has come up with and what kind of homages and inside-jokes they managed to slide into the game. Based on the trailer alone, it’s a really cool-looking title that does a great job at turning these mundane jobs into crazy enemy types.

Aside from the funny enemies, you’ll have to traverse through various office-setting environments that are sure to get a laugh or two. One really cool aspect about them is that they’re all hand-painted from top to bottom.

Jim himself has a unique weapon by his side; his keyboard. I can’t help but draw comparisons to that iconic scene from the film Wanted where James McAvoy brilliantly smashes Chris Pratt in the face.

And just like any office worker, Jim runs on coffee. Picking up some java boosts his health and stamina, giving him that needed edge to take that CEO seat.

There is definitely more to see from this title before it releases this coming year and I can’t wait to see more!

The Company Man is set to launch digitally for the Nintendo Switch in early 2022.