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THE ELDER SCROLLS ONLINE: GREYMOOR is The Best Chapter Yet, Vampires Steal the Show

Where Dread is Constant

MMORPGs are very interesting spot in the middle of 2020. Lately, they tend to fall into two categories: 1 - Older, more established series that vary in content and quality, usually with big production values. 2 - Smaller, less popular titles that usually advertised on social media with scantily clad elves or female types that are usually strong in the graphics area but suffer when it comes to quality, content, and especially story telling and depth in questing. The Elder Scrolls Online definitely falls into the former category and while it’s content has overall been quality stuff, not every Chapter or piece of DLC sucks you into its world. Greymoor, which takes places in Skyrim 1,000 years before the events of Elder Scrolls V, so far is the best chapter yet, mainly due to it’s strong story telling, dark tales of vampires, and an uncommon yet fantastic sense of dread for ESO content.

As I look over the screenshots I’ve been playing since launch on PC (Console version of Greymoor is coming in June), most of it definitely represents a darker, more sinister representation of the Skyrim region we all know and love. Even though the mechanics of Greymoor are the usual fare, the atmosphere , music, and overall questing is the best of the series so far. A special shout out to the creators of the soundtrack of Greymoor and how beautifully haunting it is truly is. While most soundtracks these days just get lost in the action or due to mediocrity, Greymoor’s music is a triumph. A rare and special thing in these days of mostly forgettable soundtracks.

While the area to explore around Solitude in Skyrim, the quality of content is higher than previous chapters for me. Yes, there are pros and cons but the dark, constant-sense-of-dread was a huge plus for me. There is still plenty of things to do in the game for newcomers and veterans alike, so far, I am loving Greymoor and with level scaling, even new players can start in the zone of their choice. Morrowind, the original lands,. Skyrim and more are open to leveling when you roll a new character. Greymoor is available now on and Steam.