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The Future Has Never Looked Brighter for the Diablo Franchise

Bloody Stoked

After an extremely rough year, we all needed a little hope. Any shred of fun, excitement, or even the smallest ray of positivity would have been welcome after the events we’ve all not only witnessed but lived through for the past 12 months. While video games and like entertainment may seem trivial to some, I consider it a great source of relaxation, fun, and a bonding experience I’ve had with friends, family, co-workers and even strangers online. With the recent BlizzConline, not only we were given some great new nibbles on existing projects, we were showered with a ton of Diablo news and goodies that not only cast that a ray of hope on the series, it absolutely illuminated the entire room.

Backing up a bit, one of the games that launched not only an entire genre itself but my absolute love for it, was Diablo. Diablo II was the pinnacle, IMHO, of the franchise and while Diablo III has definitely improved over time, I rode the hype train way too long watching trailers daily, reading novels and soaking in EVERYTHING about DIII in, and was ultimately, let down on release. After years of trying to love Diablo III, my hopes were a bit dashed. Luckily, with cautious optimism after playing the Diablo IV demo and the recent Diablo Immortal Alpha, ultimately, my faith restored and excitement had reached new levels not felt in almost a decade (Can you believe it’s been almost 10 years since Diablo III launched?!)

While I am a bit gun-shy to be excited after from my drowning in hype of previous game releases, including most recently with Cyberpunk 2077, I still am like a kid on Christmas morning with the latest details emerging from the Diablo Teams and seemingly, there is something for everyone whether on the go with way-better-than-ever-imagined Immortal on mobile devices, the extremely impressive looking Diablo IV coming to PC and console, to the crowning jewel announcement of a 2021 Diablo II: Resurrected and the amazing details surrounding that project, the future has never looked brighter for the Diablo franchise. I for one, am bloody stoked.

Alphas are coming for Diablo II: Resurrected. Be sure to sign up here ASAP—