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The HELLO NEIGHBOR Animated Series Starts Strong With 11 Million Viewers Within A Week!

When tinyBuild first announced the animated series for their popular and strange puzzle game Hello Neighbor, I don’t think many actually knew what to expect. Their proof of concept test pilot episode called “Breaking & Entering” aired last Friday and they have already hit over 11 million viewers! With the number of viewers over the first weekend being at 10 million, they gained another million views through the weekdays.

On top of the wild viewer count, their like-to-dislike ratio is also highly positive. Combining these initial launch numbers is showing a promising start for the series. The team’s goal is to spark interest amongst distribution networks - be that the regular streaming suspects or traditional networks. Once they have the interest of the right people, they are looking into making a full season off this pilot.

If you haven’t seen the test pilot yet, you can find it on the tinyBuild official YouTube channel. If you have already seen it and are hoping to see it turn into a full season, be sure to share the news and give the video a like!