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THE LAST OF US PART II REMASTERED Quick Review: Return Even For No Return Mode

Story and Gameplay

How can one even begin to describe the emotional, psychological, and even physical effects these games have had on players not only through The Last of Us Part II but the first game as well? This is in fact a direct sequel that dives immediately back into the amazing and brutal story of a huge cast of characters I won’t even begin to recount here. Either way, I highly recommend new players to play and finish Part I before diving into Part II as Part I is available in many fine forms on PS4, PS4 Pro, PS5, and even PC. Either way, that game is a brutal masterpiece.

For a full recap of the TLOU2, check out our original full review. This remastered version adds more to the already amazing amount of content in the original release with new (awesome) modes, cut levels, and more. It’s an outstanding package on top of the already impressive offering. The No Return roguelike mode is worth the price of admission alone, everything else is just icing on the cake.

Graphics and Audio

The wizards at Naughty Dog are masters at their craft and this remaster only solidifies that statement. This game was already extremely impressive on PS4/PS4 Pro but on the Remaster version, being able to select between 1440p 60 FPS target or 4k 30 FPS target, both look gorgeous, according to your preference. I am glad we are not stuck with one or the other. Thanks, Naughty Dog! This game is the epitome of gorgeous and ugly at the same time. Not in an artistic or technical way but more that it’s a mix of gorgeous natural vistas and absolutely brutal blood, gore, and the ugliest part of humanity. Be prepared.

Audio is equally impressive with an incredible musical score, top-notch voice acting, and sound effects. The audiovisual quality of this game is unmatched.


There are some annoyances present here but I think those are more opinion based items up for debate versus actual design or technical issues. I feel this game overall is a bit too brutal and depressing but a remaster isn’t going to change that. It’s a fundamental debate that gamers will probably continue to hash out for decades to come. Some of the pacing is a bit off IMHO but overall, there isn’t much to complain about here.


In the end, there are probably two camps interested in this game: One is those who played and loved the original Part II release and want to revisit the game. The additions and No Return is fantastic and like I said, worth it. For newcomers, you’ve got a lot more to tackle here especially if you haven’t played the first game. Either way, TLOU2 Remaster is absolutely fantastic and is highly recommended to both camps. It’s an audiovisual masterpiece and polished to a shine.