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The Reveal trailer For THIRSTY SUITORS Is A Marvel Of Culture And Stylistic Gameplay

Perhaps one of the most creatively executed trailers of The Game Awards, Annapurna Interactive and Outerloop Games’, Thirsty Suitors introduces players to the game’s main character Jala’s world. With over-the-top scenes and a gorgeous art style, Thirsty Suitors is an RPG title that puts family dynamics at its forefront.

Its main character, Jala, is returning home for her sister’s wedding and is faced with the pressure of those around her and herself with the life she’s creating. Family meddling in her personal life, mending broken relationships, and of course, self-discovery are all huge parts of her story that players will get to see.

Gameplay is broken up into many different parts: there’s turn-based combat with her past exes, skateboarding awesomeness, and even some cool cooking mechanics! It’s an extremely unique-looking game that I personally cannot wait to play! It’s so cool to see a game unapologetically basting itself in the culture that it represents.

“Annapurna Interactive is the perfect partner to deliver the Thirsty Suitors narrative - a story of complex family dynamics, navigating personal relationships and, ultimately, reconciliation,” said Chandana Ekanayake, co-founder of Outerloop Games and Thirsty Suitors Game Director. “Our mission at Outerloop Games is to create accessible games about underrepresented cultures, and Thirsty Suitors will give players a glimpse into our teams’ personal experiences growing up, which might be vastly different from what players have experienced themselves.”

There is currently no release date window announced for the game nor is there a set line-up of planned platforms that it is set to release on either.