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There’s A Weird HALO Easter Egg Inside Every Xbox One X

Microsoft's trend of hiding the Master Chief on the inside of the newest iteration of Xbox hardware appears to have become a new tradition.  Master Chief, being the Hero of the Halo Franchise, has long been Microsoft's mascot with many products at the company being code named after the franchise.  Last years release of the Xbox One S saw the hero characterized onto the DVD drive of every console.

This year, for the Xbox One X, Microsoft has chosen to up the ante and have Chief ride a literal Scorpion!  As discovered by the YouTube channel Unocero, Chief is found on the motherboard of the new console.  Longtime Halo fans know that the Tank featured in the series is known as the Scorpion.  So not only does this Easter egg play on the Xbox One X's former code name Scorpio, but also the game from which it is referenced!  I honestly hope this becomes a trend with all future Microsoft hardware and that we might see a Warthog reference somewhere down the line.  What do you think of these hidden Easter eggs?  Leave a comment below!

Source: Eurogamer