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These Brand New PLANTS VS. ZOMBIES GW2 Maps Look Like a Total Blast

“Bigger. Badder. Bigger.” This is the tagline for what PopCap has in store for Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2. It’s a redundant, but also accurate description for what the trailer shows. Sweeping camera shots flying over and through each location with all the explosive cartoony combat happening around you.

I’m blown away by the creativity in level design here. From the “Colizeum” to “Moon Base Z”, it looks like PopCap didn’t throw many ideas out andjust went for whatever crazy thing they could come with up with. The results look really awesome. There’s a lot of promise from some of the best developers in the business, and I’m looking forward to getting in on the crazy fun of this upcoming release. If you get in on EA Access and Origin Access, you get to jump in on February 18. The rest of us will have to wait until February 23.

For now, bask in the glorious surroundings of PopCap's latest offering in this new Map Reveal video:

Plants vs. Zombie will be available for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.