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TIME MASTER Comes To Steam On January 18

From developer/publisher MorpheusZ comes Time Master, a unique 3D puzzle platformer. Players will assume the role of Zeno, a wizard who must work together with his past self to complete puzzles and rescue his sister from the banished prison vortex. Players will need to complete tightly timed repeatable puzzles in the Ancient Trials of Time which has never been done before. Through a tiny mistake of his own, Zeno’s sister Sophia is trapped in the prison vortex and he must complete the trials to save her.

As an expert wizard, Zeno can rewind time and collaborate with his past self to overcome each trial’s obstacles. On his journey, Zeno will be attempting to recover time fragments. Players will be able to guide Zeno through the trials to recover time fragments by either completing them in story order or by returning to previously completed trials and running them in a shorter time. Time Master will also include fully voice acted cinematic cut scenes.

Time Master will launch on PC via Steam on January 18, 2022.