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Try The Upcoming Open-World Horror Game VORAX With Their Free Demo

Building a horrifying journey to survive can be challenging, but the developers IndieGala are taking it a step further by creating an open world to survive within. Their open-world horror game is called Vorax and they have an alpha build demo of their game available to play for free for PC players on Steam.

This game puts players into the shoes of a mercenary sent to a Mediterranean island where a mysterious pathogen has infected the local population. Battle against numerous threats, collect resources, build shelter, and try to escape with their lives. What was meant to be a simple mission turns into an all-out fight for survival. Equipped with the bare minimum, players must explore the dangerous island, gathering resources and materials to defend themselves against the ever-looming infected threat.

They claim they took inspiration from horror games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill, but it is hard to deny the similarity to the popular survival series The Forest. Especially since creating a shelter and gearing up will be players’ first priority after their helicopter crashes, much like it is for most players in that series. Regardless of the inspiration, the island has a variety of areas to explore for those brave enough to venture out into the wilds and this venture can begin today with their free demo.

Vorax is planned to launch at the start of 2024 on PC via Steam. Currently, this game is only planned to be a single-player title, but even without playing the demo, I can say that I hope they reconsider and add multiplayer. Surviving an open-world horror setting can be fun, but doing so with a friend is always so much better!