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TURBO OVERKILL Officially Launches After Early Access Success

Turbo Overkill is a fast-paced action FPS shooter that has received some rave reviews during its time in early access on Steam. The game comes to us from new indie devs Trigger Happy Interactive and publisher Apogee Entertainment will be officially launching version 1.0 as it leaves early access this week on July 18th. In addition, the 1.0 launch will debut the epic conclusion of the 3-episode campaign with The Final Episode, Part 2, mod support, and online multiplayer.

For anyone interested in checking out the upcoming indie action overload that is Turbo Overkill, it is all about the main player character Johnny Turbo. Follow Johnny Turbo as he cleanses the neon-full streets of Paradise City in a hyper-fast FPS game style. Blast enemies sky-high with crazy weapons and shred them to pieces with your chainsaw arms and legs. Earn cash from destroying enemies with combos to purchase upgrades and gain an advantage against the enemy AI-controlled robotic villains.

Turbo Overkill will officially launch version 1.0 and leave Early Access for PC via Steam on July 18th, 2023.