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Two Months Into 2024, We Already Have Several Amazing Games To Choose From

Helldivers 2
Available Now

As stated in our full review, server issues aside, this game is absolutely stellar. Coming out of nowhere, it has swept the gaming world by storm. Trust me, waiting to get a server slot is well worth your precious time in this incredible bug-smashing and robot-crushing gem.

PC Early Access
Available Now

With so many crafting/survival games out there, it’s hard to choose just one. Well, now you don’t have to as Nightingale is available in early access and besides an extremely unique premise, the graphics and music are absolutely gorgeous, and the art style/character design is also a sight to behold. The screenshot above is just one of many striking moments your experience

Last Epoch
Available Now

ARPGs are a dime a dozen these days but quality ones that feature better skill and talent systems than their AAA counterparts is definitely something of note. If PoE or DIV isn’t scratching that click-click-loot itch, this 1.0 release of Last Epoch is much improved over the Early Access period. Once again though, launch day server issues abound. Lucky for you, this has a full offline mode that works like a champ!