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UNCHARTED Movie Loses Yet Another Director

I swear, the Uncharted movie can’t seem to catch a break. The newest director to take on the project, Travis Knight, has apparently had to walk away due to a scheduling conflict with star Tom Holland. According to Deadline, Tom Holland will be needing to do Spider-Man related filming during the summer which would then have put a crunch on the Uncharted film to meet its December 2020 release date.

Knight’s departure marks the 6th director to leave the Uncharted movie project since its inception in the early 2010s. The project is apparently still a key focus for Sony pictures and the project will continue moving forward albeit a new director will have to be found. Holland and co-star Mark Whalberg are still attached to the film as of this time.

Honestly, with the heyday of Uncharted falling more and more into the past it is really hard for me to understand why Sony is still moving forward with the project. after this much turmoil in production, it might be better to put the whole thing on a shelf for a few years and come back to it completely fresh. Nostalgia for the Uncharted franchise might also help pique more interest than I feel the saga has at the current point in time.

What do you all think?