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Upcoming Metroidvania Game DOOMBLADE Brings Death To A Colorful World

Bringing together the mixture of death in a colorful world and the side-scrolling Metroidvania genre is Iceberg Interactive as they announce the new game! Developed by Muro Studios, players will have a new world to explore in DOOMBLADE. While we don’t have a release date yet, we know it will be coming to PC via Steam sometime in 2022.

A sentient weapon hellbent on escape after eons in chains. Together, “Doom and Gloom” embark on a brutal quest to unlock the powers of The Void. The blade is hungry to wreak its revenge on The Dread Lords, who bound and trapped it in the Underworld. But first, it must regain its lost strength. Search for statues of the old gods, where DOOMBLADE’s powers were hidden and stored by the long-dead Gloomfolk, awaiting its return.

Hopefully, we will see a demo come out for DOOMBLADE before it is released, but there is still more to see from this game as it continues development. Until then, you can add this game to the ever-growing wish list on Steam.