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Upcoming Story Pack For STELLARIS Revealed

Paradox Interactive has revealed its upcoming story pack for the space 4X game Stellaris. First Contact is a story pack that focuses on the interactions between pre-spacefaring planets and the dark mysteries of the universe above their heads. Featuring an expanded array of events and mechanics for meeting pre-Faster-than-light civilizations, as well as new origins that focus on being met by aliens with advanced technology compared to their own. Additionally cloaking tech will appear for the first time in Stellaris, allowing players to hide their movements from their neighbors and causing anxiety that their neighbors could be doing the same.

First Contact will launch alongside the free 3.7 ‘Canis Minor’ update, which includes various improvements and additions for all players. All of these updates will be fully released on PC when the story pack comes out.

While the release date is unannounced, you can wishlist Stellaris: First Contact on Steam now! Check out the announcement trailer below and let us know your thoughts in the comments.