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Walk On Ground For The First Time In ELITE DANGEROUS: ODYSSEY

You’ve been in space for years, but you’ve never set foot on a planet.

That will soon change with the release of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey, which will allow players to disembark and further explore the galaxy.

Visit distant worlds on foot for the first time in the game’s history. This is what frontier space is all about and there will be a ton of planets for intrepid space commanders to touch down on. You’re space pioneers now so get ready for a whole new way of playing.

If you’re unfamiliar with the world of Elite Dangerous, here’s the background:

In the 34th century, across the vast expanse of an epic, full-scale recreation of our Milky Way, interstellar rivalries flare as galactic superpowers fight proxy wars. Start with a small starship and a handful of credits, and do whatever it takes to earn the skill, knowledge, wealth and power to stand among the ranks of the iconic Elite.

Adventure awaits and planets are ready for exploration.

Elite Dangerous: Odyssey is coming soon for PC via Steam, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.

Do you like this new direction in which the game is heading? Let us know in the comments!