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Welcome to Armageddon! Am I wasting my time with WASTELAND 3? Part 1

Ever since I can remember, I’ve always been a strategy gamer. Back in the early years of gaming, I also dabbled in point & click adventure games like the classic Sierra games, but strategy was my thing. In recent years, the XCOM franchise has been one of my favorites, along with games like Civilization and Company of Heroes, and more recently Phantom Doctrine. I’ve never been a fan of RPG’s, maybe because learning a new genre didn’t interest me and the multi-management in the genre seemed tedious.

When I first saw the trailer for Wasteland 3, it blew me away! The setting being a frozen landscape was picturesque, and the fact the game included turn-based combat mechanics enthralled me. However, I still had some reservations because gameplay can deceive in trailers. I was curious enough to follow the game’s development until release on August 28th, 2020. They labeled it a squad-based RPG with a tactical turn-based combat system. This appealed to me, even though I didn’t know how it would play out.

So, what better way to find out if this was my kind of game then to purchase it and play the hell out of it? Even more so, I decided to write a review in three parts about the game, sharing my journey every step of the way. I was eager to test my brand-new Laptop, an Asus Rogz Strix gaming laptop, and this was the perfect game for it.

Wasteland 3 is a squad-based RPG with a turn-based combat system. After the game has loaded, you choose the difficulty level you want to play. Not knowing what to expect and wanting to learn the game mechanics properly, I played at the easiest level.

At the outset, you get to choose a pair of pre-set Rangers you’ll control during the entire game. Either that, or you can create your own pair of law-abiding warriors and fully customize them to your liking.

Eventually, during the game, you will encounter other characters, and some will join your squad. You’ll also be able to add a few more customized characters to your squad in due time. Eventually you’ll control 6 Rangers.

The game opens up with a beautiful cut-scene of Team November (That’s your squad) traveling through a cold winter storm and being ambushed on a lake. Once the cut-scene is over, the game ensues with a battle. A bunch of misfits attack your squad, and this is the first time you control your soldiers. Combat is very similar to XCOM.

After you win the battle, you control a pair of Rangers and you’re off on your first mission. Along the way, you’ll battle enemies, loot different locations, and meet many shady characters. I just love the feel of driving the Kodiak, the vehicle you will use as your means of transport throughout the Colorado wasteland.

The graphics are good, and the backgrounds are colorful and detailed. What I like most about the game so far is that I can always control my characters while I’m exploring locations and when a battle erupts. So, you’re always in control of your characters. There’s some puzzle solving, so it’s important to look at all objects after a battle, because there are many hidden objects that will become game changers later. Wasteland 3 is a delightful mix between point & click adventures and turn-based strategy with RPG elements and customization. It’s a blend of all my favorite genres, which must be why I like the game so much so far. It made me wonder how XCOM would play if they designed it this way. I think it would be outstanding!

The only drawback so far is the loading time when you change location. It takes at least forty- five seconds to load a change of location. I hope they remedy this situation in upcoming patches. I must go now so I can continue playing and let you know how it goes. Bye for now.