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WHEEL OF FATE First Impression: A Dynamic And Unique RPG Experience

Wheel Of Fate is an A.I. driven RPG being developed by Game Pill and published by UDX Interactive. Using the A.I., the game’s world changes around you as you play based on the choices you make. This aspect, coupled with the procedurally generated labyrinth, provides an endless amount of replayability where no two playthroughs will be the same.

The game is currently in the Early Access program on Steam and can be purchased for $15. The development team plans to take advantage of the Early Access period for 6-12 months before Wheel Of Fate sees its full release. The game will also see a $2 to $5 increase upon the official launch, so if you are at all interested in the game, now would be a good time to pick it up.


The gameplay experience of Wheel Of Fate is very unique, as it features a combination of mechanics from various genres. The mix of platforming, exploration, dungeon-crawling, and turn-based combat shoved into an RPG base, provides content that all types of players can enjoy. I found the game to be generally simplistic during the opening sequences, which makes it easier for new players to pick up and learn.

I especially enjoy that there are only 4 races and classes to choose from, but that might just be because I get stressed out if there are too many options. 

On top of all of the features mentioned above, Wheel Of Fate also allows players to build and customize their own town. Not only does this provide another avenue to gain various in-game items, but it also adds yet another thing for players to do, so they are never bored.


I did find the combat sequences in the game to be a bit repetitive, even more so when I was gaining the same amount of experience for fights that had varying amounts of enemies. I would like to see the amount of experience gained change depending on the difficulty and amount of enemies when the full game launches.

The graphics definitely aren’t anything to be praised, but they are still nice to look at. I know I said I enjoyed the simplistic factor that the game currently has when it comes to race and class selection, but it would also be nice to see some more customization options for the player character.


I like what I have experienced in Wheel Of Fate so far, and can’t wait to see how they continue to build the game. There has been a lot of care put into the game so far, and it shows. I only hope to see that amount of care continue to be a part of the development process moving forward. 

If you’re interested in trying Wheel Of Fate for yourself, you can check it out on Steam, or visit the official website.

Update: Upon writing this first impression I discovered an Update Calendar for Wheel Of Fate, and found that some things I touched on in my expectations were already included among the future plans. Good stuff Game Pill!