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With Only 4 Days to Go EVERSPACE 2 Should Be THEE Game You Kickstart This Year

Kickstart My Heart

It’s quite difficult to navigate the annals of Kickstarted games over the past several years that have ranged from bleak disappointments to raging successes. I will skip all the history and say that while hesitant of most titles, I have been happy with my investments overall. After a recent demo, I can say though, EVERSPACE 2 is the thee best Kickstarter title I have seen in recent memory. With only four days remaining, it’s time to support an amazing German developer with an even more stunning, quality title.

In our review of the original game, we were shocked at how fantastic and addicting the gameplay was with the folks at ROCKFISH Games just nailing every aspect of game design. Gorgeous graphics, stellar sound and gameplay that was easy to pick up but extremely difficult to master. EVERSPACE 2 plays even better with more loot, better inventory management, and polished gameplay elements that make this title soar. If you at all interesting in space, space combat or just plain addicting fun, support this title. I’m definitely going to!