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Witness The First 12 Minutes of BORDERLANDS 3's Next DLC "Guns, Love, And Tentacles"

The next major expansion for Borderlands 3 is right around the corner, and just when I thought I couldn’t wait any longer, Gearbox decided to drop the first twelve minutes of “Guns, Love, and Tentacles”.

The gameplay follows the Gunner class, Moze, as she lands on Xylourgos for the first time and fights her way through the frozen landscapes to eventually meet up with returning Vault Hunter Gaige. The remainder of the gameplay has Moze and Gaige fight side by side as they make their way up to the lodge to meet up with Hammerlock, where they can begin to plan the wedding festivities.

The gameplay video is available down below for you viewing pleasure.

“Guns, Love, and Tentacles” launches later this month on March 26th. The expansion will introduce a brand new planet for players to wreak havoc on, as well as some new enemies and loot that can be obtained from killing them.

For those that are unaware, Borderlands 3 is now available on Steam and can be picked up for a whopping 50% off until March 20th.