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WORLD OF TANKS BLITZ Is Getting A Gravity Defying New Mode

From April 10 - April 16 World of Tanks Blitz is getting an insanely fun looking new mode! This new mode is called Gravity Force and it is transporting players to the moon to conduct their tank battles in low gravity. Yes tanks in space with insane physics to match, this sounds amazing! Anyways, as you would expect from a low gravity mode, shooting and getting hit are going to send you flying. The force is determined by the caliber of shells being fired and the physical build of the tank so more solid tanks are going to be able to stay more grounded. While airborne, players will be able to adjust their tanks along six degrees of axis. rotate your tank or spin it around it is all a matter of strategy. You can even use the tank turret to make yourself fly forward faster. Due to the lack of gravity falls are also going to be less punishing and should open up a number of fun new tactics.The new map is based on the Sea of Tranquility but the game isn’t going to stop there, low gravity modes will also be available on current maps!

What’s even crazier, is that players who participate in the mode are up to win certificates of ownership of land plots on the moon from Lunar

Absolutely nuts! Gravity Force takes over World of Tanks Blitz tomorrow April 10 and it looks like it is going to be a blast. Oh, BTW for serious players, the mode will not effect any stats you currently have but XP and money can still be earned from the mode so don’t worry about it messing up your immaculate records!

Are you going to be trying out Gravity Force?