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Xbox One Is Finally Getting Another KINGDOM HEARTS Title

I am honestly surprised that it has taken Kingdom Hearts so long to come over to the Xbox platform. When Kingdom Hearts 3 was finally announced and that it would be coming to the platform It felt like a certainty that the rest of the games would finally come, but they didn’t. PS4 saw releases of the Kingdom Hearts 1.5, 2.5, and 2.8 HD remasters before the eventual release of Kingdom Hearts 3 and Xbox got nothing. Sure Kingdom Hearts started as a PS2 franchise but it didn’t take long before the number of entries found on a Nintendo platform outnumbered those on a Sony one. With Square Enix shifting Final Fantasy over to multiple platforms since the release of Final Fantasy XIII the decision seemed even more strange to me.

Finally, last November at X019 the official announcement came that all of the Kingdom Hearts titles would finally make their way onto the Xbox platform for the first time. Today a listing for Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue has been spotted on the Microsoft Store (that has since been pulled down) listing the title for release on February 18. It would see someone jumped the gun on the listing but I am happy to see the titles are coming sooner rather than later to give series fans on Xbox a chance to play through the titles. Now I guess we just wait and see if it does indeed come out on the 18th or if the date was listed in error. No word has been made official on the release dates for any of the Kingdom Hearts HD collections yet.

Are you interested in finally having all the Kingdom Hearts titles available on the Xbox platform?