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XCOM Developers Form A New Studio, Bit Reactor

After working hard over on the Firaxis Games team to create the popular real-time strategy game series XCOM, the lead developers and creatives have formed a new studio. This new studio is called Bit Reactor and their goal is to create the future of strategy games for a global audience. That said, they aim to define the future of turn-based tactics games by weaving in the high-end production values, riveting storytelling, and innovative design for a best-in-class gameplay experience.

With all efforts accounted for, the veterans that make up this team have 20+ years of experience and have put work into other popular titles, such as Civilization and Elder Scrolls Online. There really is a lot of promise to have all of these talented people working together. In fact, here’s what Greg Foertsch, co-founder and CEO of Bit Reactor, had to say about this new studios creation:

“As game genres of all types see refreshed takes in this new generation of technology, one thing is clear in that turn-based tactic games have been greatly overlooked and have an enormous amount of room for innovation. We have a very team-oriented culture and we’ve assembled an amazing group of talented, experienced, and dedicated game developers to inject rich storytelling, immersive presentation, and rock-solid game mechanics to give this genre it’s rightful time to shine - a golden age of turn-based games is upon us.”

Bit Reactor has not announced any plans for what game they are currently working on or any specifics for any plans they have in place. However, it is good to know that there is a new studio out there, comprised of capable hands, that is hard at work to bring a new era to a genre that they are passionate about. All we can do from here is look forward to what they will pull off as their feature title.