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Ziggurat Interactive Is Reviving Multiple Retro Titles In 2020!

Ziggurat Interactive is a publisher loaded with both modern and retro games, but for the 2020 year, they are focusing on bringing back a full line up of retro games. They kicked off this act with two big moves that give them a running start to make this happen. First of these was the buyout agreement with Prism Entertainment for all titles by 3DO Studios and the second was the two titles they already posted up on Steam.

Some of the bigger titles that Ziggurat was focused on when buying the 3DO game catalog included the Uprising series, Killing Timeand Captain Quazar. With them taking ownership over publishing rights for digital platforms such as Steam and GOG, we are sure to see more of these titles making their way onto these easily accessible, modern platforms.

Along with working on getting the 3DO titles up on Steam, they have published two retro titles from other classic developers. These titles are Purple Saturn Day by ERE Informatique and Fields of Glory by Microprose. Thanks to the work from Ziggurat, we no longer require the classic DOS to play these memorable titles and can dive into our nostalgia using our current gaming computers.

This team doesn’t plan on slowing down as they have more than 40 retro titles they are hoping to release and they plan on bringing new games to Steam and GOG each month! For example, in May they are going to re-launch titles such as Murders In Space and World Championship Boxing Manager. If you want to see what all they have in store, check out the Ziggurat website.