Check Out 2D Action-Steampunk-Destructathon NATION BREAKERS: STEAM ARENA

Coded Clay Interactive announced its first game, Nation Breakers: Steam Arena. The 2D platformer will be released on November 18th in Steam Early Access. The competitive steam-bot arena brawler will be a spectacle that you won’t want to miss.

If you take the elegance and strategy of Killer Queen Black and twist that into physics-defying, metal-smashing mayhem, then you’ll know what to expect when playing Nation Breakers: Steam Arena.

Here’s what to expect from Coded Clay Interactive’s debut fighting game:

In Nation Breakers you fight in insanely fast, single-hit-kill battles where your skills and reflexes make the difference. The game features ever-flowing and changing arenas, full of hazards and bordered with portals that players can use for both defense and offense. Although focused on its multiplayer modes, Nation Breakers: Steam Arena will also include two single-player modes. The first is a single-player practice mode where you can hone your skills fighting quick battles against the AI. The game also features a single-player mode for those looking for a real challenge: Arena Run, a mad dash through the 12 levels of each theme, with each match throwing unique challenges at you, trying to get the highest score possible depending on your playstyle and difficulty -- and with a dynamic AI that adjusts its behavior based on your performance.

Sound like your kind of game? Be sure to wishlist it on Steam if you’re interested.