Check Out BILLIE BUST UP, An Upcoming Musical 3D Platformer Game

There has been a rising interest in games following a musical aspect when it comes to gameplay. While this started with the obvious route of rhythm games, we are starting to see more genres get musically led adventures. One of the upcoming musical games that is worth watching the development for is Billie Bust Up.

With their Kickstarter already behind them and being wildly successful, reaching just under 300% funding, developers Blueprint Games are continuing to work on the game with occasional updates coming out. Just check out the Kickstarter trailer they posted to see what an early version of the game already looks like.

This 3D platformer is inspired by Disney musicals, with memorable unique villains and singing bosses that entwines gameplay with music. Each main character has their own song that sells their personality, motives, and charm, written by Daniel Ingram from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Right now, Bilie Bust Up is set to release sometime in 2024 on PC via Steam. There are sure to be multiple updates leading up to the release date for this one, but sometimes it is good to get eyes on a project while it is still in its early stages. What do you think of this upcoming 3D musical platformer?