Check Out NUKKLEAR’s Newest Original IP, FOG & SILVER

Fog & Silver is the newly announced game by developer NUKKLEAR which shows off an original IP with intrigue around every corner. Backed by Epic Games’ Epic Megagrant, this new title seems to be something to keep an eye on since Epic Games are quite restrained when selecting studios for this grant. Being reserved for developers who are innovating in the 3D graphics space, Fog & Silver has an array of environments full of realistic and highly detailed levels with a rich narrative backing up the design.

Mixing the two contrasting worlds of alternate 19th-century European technology with occult supernatural madness is looking to be a match made in heaven. With both sides clashing at every turn and a mysterious force attempting to stir up more controversy amongst the groups makes for a narrative concept that leaves us wanting to hear more. As we eagerly await the full narrative to be revealed, we do get a look at some of the characters that will be making an appearance. Since Fog & Silver is set in the 19th century, it's only fitting that some recognizable names will be showing up such as Nikola Tesla, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, and Thomas Edison with more to come in the future!

A far as gameplay goes, we don't know a whole lot. What we do know is that these characters, or Exalted as they're called, will be able to be upgraded in a hub space called The Flying Ferdinand as you progress. We are really looking forward to hearing more about what this new title has to offer. Check out the trailer below for yourself!