Devolver Digital Unveils Storybook Adventure THE PLUCKY SQUIRE

During the Devolver Digital Marketing Countdown to Marketing Livestream, they revealed several new games coming soon! One game announced I’m particularly excited about is The Plucky Squire developed by the new studio All Possible Futures. Founded in 2019 by veterans of the game industry with experience in the mainline Pokémon series, Stealth Inc., and The Swords of Ditto.

The trailer tells us just a little bit about the story, that Jot, the titular plucky squire finds a way out of his storybook world and out into the real world. The Plucky Squire seems to wear its inspirations on its sleeve, and the trailer does a wonderful job showing the variety of gameplay styles in the game. It shows 2D and 3D exploration, combat, puzzle-solving, shoot-em-up segments, and even a boxing match against a giant badger!

Through determination, willpower, and sheer pluck, will Jot be able to face down the hordes of storybook villain Humgrump’s minions? We’ll find out in 2023 when The Plucky Squire releases on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and Steam.

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