First Details on LEGO Horizons Adventures Revealed

LEGO Horizons Adventures is going to be the first time Sony has directly put a 1st party title into the LEGO universe and whiel the game has only been rumored until this point with any official news to show for it still absent, a trusted leaker says we may not have to wait very long for news.

in their report, Bilbill-kun, a known and trusted leaker of the gaming world has shared their knowledge on LEGO Horizons Adventures. They were able to share the following information:

  • The game will be revealed at Summer Game Fest

  • Will be a simultaneous release on PS5 and PC

  • The game will feature cross-platform play between PS5 and PC players, and there will be some form of multiplayer

  • A PSN ID will be required to play

  • Will include in-app purchases

These are all the details we were able to learn and with Summer Game Fest only a day away, we will not have to wait long to see if the news amounts to anything substantial or not.

I know I am curious to see what LEGO entry in the Horizon series looks like.

No author bio. End of line.