For the Love of Video Games: How Teens Can Avoid Slipping into Addiction 

by Guest User

It was not until the mid-1970s that video games went viral. It all started with the golden era of arcade games. Today, all types of gaming simulations and consoles are available for teens and adults alike. 

According to a recent survey by Statista, the most popular genres of video games among the 16-24 years age group are shooting, action, sports, and simulation. There can be various reasons why an adolescent may choose to immerse themselves in a world of gaming. 

Some do it to socialize with fellow gaming enthusiasts, others love the thrill and challenge, while some others simply find such games entertaining and a good way to pass the time. The only issue is that the line between fun and addiction is extremely fine. This means it is quite easy to go overboard until one finds themselves stuck in a vicious cycle of gaming disorder. 

In this article, we will explore the love of video games and how it can turn into a full-blown addiction. We also list down three effective strategies for teens to avoid becoming hardcore gamers. 

Understanding Process Addiction 

An addiction or obsession with playing video games is often categorized as a process addiction. As per the American Addiction Centers, this type of addiction is a dependence on something that is not a physical substance. Instead, those with process addiction are hooked on a certain behavior or pleasant feelings derived from that behavior. 

Contextually, compulsive video gamers are addicted to the sense of accomplishment or dopamine highs they derive from the gaming activity. This is precisely why this type of addiction is known as behavioral addiction. It is a serious problem in our country as studies have found nearly five million children addicted to video games. 

Parents and families at large are experiencing the negative consequences of such an addiction. Many have even filed a video game addiction lawsuit against companies like Nintendo, Roblox, Take Two, etc. It has been alleged that popular titles like Fortnite and Call of Duty are deliberately designed to be addictive. 

According to TorHoerman Law, families are seeking compensation due to negative effects on teens like emotional distress, anxiety, and depression. Some of the red flags that indicate a process addiction to gaming include -  

  • Changes in sleep patterns and appetite 

  • A lack of personal hygiene 

  • Neglecting hobbies, friends, and family 

  • Finding it difficult to maintain gaming time limits 

  • Becoming anxious or irritable when unable to play games 

  • Emotional outbursts if a gaming console is confiscated or missing 

  • Declining performance at home or in school 

Withdrawal from any type of addiction, including video games, will lead to unpleasant symptoms like isolation, anger, and depression. This is why it is important to never allow the seeds of addiction to crop up. Just like anything in life, prevention is better than cure. 

3 Strategies for Teens to Prevent Gaming Addiction 

The Pew Research Center states that nearly 85% of US teens play video games. Also, 4 in 10 teenagers participate in this activity daily. While many speak about benefits like socialization and problem-solving, they equally confess to issues like harassment and addiction.

Given the stats we have shared, it’s natural to wonder whether it is possible to avoid getting addicted to something that is exclusively designed to be so. Here are three strategies that can help. 

Setting Strict Limits 

Once gaming turns into a full-blown addiction, it seems next to impossible to maintain time limits for play. This is why teens must avoid even a single instance of compromise. At their age, it is not advisable to spend more than two hours in front of any screen

Parents must set strict limits on their teen’s gaming habits from the beginning. Ideally, fix certain days in a week when your teen will be allowed to play their favorite video games. Even then, give them a specific time, say, 30 minutes or an hour. 

Once their time is up, ask them to hand over their gaming console. Do not worry about coming across as overbearing since a child must obey and honor their parents, regardless of age. Keep the big picture in mind, which is to protect your teen’s mental health. 

If you’re a teen looking for ways to prevent an addiction, consider having a trusted friend as an accountability partner. Have them ring you up when the time for gaming is over. You can even set an alarm to remind yourself to stop and get engaged in some other work. Look for enriching alternative hobbies like arts, reading, etc. 

Spending Time Outdoors 

What’s interesting to note is that teenagers may be able to learn more about current social issues through some immersive gaming environments. Besides being awareness raisers, we already know that video games help create new friendships. 

This is where the problem may arise because the teen may soon replace online friendships with real-world social interactions. In fact, a lot of gamers get sucked deeper into a spiral of gaming just to avoid social interactions in real life. 

This is especially true of those who have had gaming as an escape from reality since childhood. They may lack the necessary social skills as an adolescent or adult and wish to avoid company altogether. The only way out is to get back into society as much as possible. 

Parents must gently but firmly push their teens to interact at the dinner table, attend family events, invite friends over, and so on. Regular meetups with one’s social circle will expose online friendships for what they are - unreal and unfulfilling. Gradually, the teen will prefer real-world interactions over gaming escapades. 

If you’re a teenager struggling with social anxiety, start by refusing to look at gaming as your only escape. Practice relaxation techniques, challenge negative thoughts, and seek professional help if needed. Engage more in outdoor activities with your community and folks and the craving for video game rewards will slowly fade away. 

Developing Healthy Self-Esteem and a Sense of Purpose 

This point may seem odd to those who do not understand the link between video game addiction and poor self-esteem or a lack of purpose. Studies have found a link between low self-esteem and the risk of gaming addiction. 

It is because internet gaming creates an environment in which players can escape and feel more confident. With the avatar feature cropping up, players can be who they want and portray themselves however they like. Soon, the virtual seems to be more appealing than reality until the player loses touch with what’s real altogether. 

This is why it is crucial to develop a sense of healthy self-esteem and purpose. This is not a recommendation for positive affirmations and the law of attraction. Instead, teens must focus on achieving meaningful goals and developing skills that will help in the long run. 

The key to preventing an addiction is to always start small in the offline world. Let’s look at a few potential areas of development. 

  • Picking up a new hobby or skill 

  • Considering formal education advancements

  • Maintaining a tidy and organized personal space 

  • Looking for ways to serve the community 

  • Spending time in the glory of nature 

We hope the strategies discussed in this article will help you ward off a gaming addiction. If you feel like you’re moving on slippery ground, consider communicating the issue to parents or a trusted mentor. Seek professional support to help manage withdrawal symptoms. 

Most importantly, make a resolve to strike the axe at the root of the problem. The negative consequences of excessive gaming are not worth the risk. 

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