Games You May Have Missed: DARKEST DUNGEON II + DLC

It’s nigh impossible to keep up on all the games not only coming out but titles that may be stuck in a moldy, old backlog or just some you’ve never seen of or taken the time to check. Games You May Have Missed is designed to shed some possible light on said titles for all to enjoy. These titles range from AAA to indie to the occasional AAAA title ;) All genres and platforms are eligible.


Darkest Dungeon II + DLC
Available Now

The first entry in the Darkest Dungeon series was absolutely brutal in all the best ways with gameplay that was totally unforgiving but oh-so rewarding. While many games could be labeled as difficult or even soulslike, Darkest Dungeon really will test your skills and your ability to patiently loss party members and hard earned hours of work.

Now with the second game which launched across several platforms in 2023 and 2024, we are just barely diving into the base game and the newly launched DLC. I definitely recommend going through the first game before diving into the second game as you honestly maybe a little lost. Either way, the sequel is bigger, better, more polished and absolutely fantastic in all areas especially the music and sound design.

The graphics, animations, and all combat is bigger and better in the sequel too just don’t expect to breeze through any of it. Overall, if you love challenging but incredibly rewarding games, the Darkest Dungeon games are some of the best in that arena.