GEARS TACTICS Could Be Coming To Xbox Consoles After Initial PC Launch

As I am sure many of you Gears fans noticed, there was a lack of information on Gears Tactics during the Xbox E3 showcase. During the 399th episode of IGN’s podcast, Unlocked, Rod Fergusson shared some insight as to why that was. Rod Fergusson explained, that he didn’t always want to be talking about three Gears of War games at once, and that Gears Tactics will have it’s own time to shine. When asked if the studio planned on bringing the game to console he had this to say:

“We've been trying to find the right messaging around that. I think the right messaging around it is that it's for PC FIRST. Because the thing we wanted to make sure people understand with Gears Tactics is that it's not a console game that we're porting to PC. And so, this game is being designed, and built, and developed on PC, and so will come to PC first. But as you see with Gears 5 being on Steam and on the Windows 10 Store... also on PC with mouse and keyboard. Like that, Tactics will probably make it's way to console. That's why we're saying it's more pf a PC FIRST thing. Because we know that it's not just about what platform you're on. It's more about the ideology you bring to developing it. We wanted PC players to know that this started and was built on PC and was designed on PC and everything about it is PC. We're actually going to have to put a bunch of work into changing the UI and the way players interact with the game in order to do it on console. My hope is that we do something like Diablo 3, which I feel is actually better on console. I prefer to play Diablo on console. I hope that as we have to take that UI and move it over to controller that we can actually do as well as Diablo did.”

I think when he says that Gears Tactics is a “PC first thing” Rod confirms he has intentions to bring the game to console. Gears Tactics is a turn based strategy game, that is set 12 years before the original Gears of War, and focuses on a brand new squad. The game is scheduled to come out later this year, although there is no specific date mentioned. Will you guys be picking up Gears Tactics? If so, are you excited about it very likely coming to console sometime down the line? Let me know in the comments!